Make an Outbound Call

You can call a customer if your administrator has authorized your agent profile to communicate with customers by phone.

The settings in your agent profile determine the format of the phone number you can dial. For example, you might be restricted to dial phone numbers of specific length or beginning with specific area codes.

In the Agent Desktop Dialpad, if the Outdial ANI drop-down is available, you can select a number as your caller ID before you call.

To make an outbound call:

Before you begin

To make outbound calls, you must be in Idle state.


Step 1

Click Dialpad in the navigation bar.

The dialpad appears.
Step 2

Click Start a new call and perform one of the following.

  • Select a number from the address book. The contacts that appear in the address book are from your enterprise address book which is configured by your administrator.

  • Dial the number of the customer from the dialpad. Your agent profile must have appropriate permission to dial a number using the dialpad.

Step 3

Click call button at the bottom of the dialpad.

Your call request is sent to the phone number you specified, and your call status is set to OUTDIALRESERVED. An outbound voice contact card appears in the Active Contact List.

You get a call on your physical phone.

Step 4

Answer the call on your physical phone, and wait for the customer to answer.

When the customer answers, your call status changes to CONNECTED.

Step 5

End the call after you help the customer with queries. However, it is best practice to ask the customer to end the call. For more information, see End a Voice Call.

  • Error code 20 (Outdial Failed) indicates that the call could not be established either with the agent's phone or with the caller's phone.

  • Error code 21 (Outdial Rejected) indicates that the application server has not initiated the call setup. Contact your administrator for assistance.