Configure and Send a Standard Email Reply

When you want to attach a file to the email message, or format the text in your email response you can send a standard reply.

Once you end the interaction, you have to enter the Wrap Up codes regarding the status and tone of your communication with the customer and any closure details, or set a reminder if further follow-up is required.

Your organization may have specific requirements for Wrap Up codes. Check with your supervisor for more information.

To send a standard reply:


Step 1

Click Accept in the incoming email dialog box.

The email opens in the email editor.

Step 2

(Optional) Click Info to view the contact information of the customer.

Step 3

(Optional) Click History to view the contact history of the customer.

Step 4

Click Reply or Reply All.

The email editor with the customer information in the To and Subject fields appears. The editor has predefined layout that is set by the Webex Contact Center administrator.
Step 5

(Optional) Click the arrow beside the To field to display the Cc: and Bcc: fields and add more recipients.

Step 6

Enter a message in the email message editor.


Click Read Email to read the message you have received from the customer.

Step 7

(Optional) Format text in the message body by using the available formatting options.

Step 8

(Optional) Click Attachments to add attachments to your email.

  • Your administrator configures the maximum file size and the maximum number of files that you can send. You can upload a maximum of 10 files, and the total file size must be less than 25 MB.

  • The supported file formats are: .html .mhtml .mht .odt .pdf .pdfxml .rtf .shtml .xps .xml .xhtml .txt .eml .msg .ods .dot .dothtml .dotx .dotm .pot .pothtml .ppthtml .pptmhtml .pptxml .potm .potx .pps .ppam .ppsm .ppsx .pptx .pptm .ppt .pub .pubhtml .pubmhtml .xls .xlshtml .xlthtml .xlt .xlsm .xltx .xltm .xlam .xlsb .xlsx

  • You can click the cross icon beside any attachment to delete the attachment. If you cannot see the Attachments icon or receive customer attachments, contact your Webex Contact Center administrator.

Step 9

Click Send.

The message is sent to the customer. The WRAP UP page appears.
Step 10

Select the wrap-up information from the Select Wrap Up drop-down.

When you select the reason, the conversation ends.

For more information, see Wrap-Up Email and Chat Conversations.