Line 1 Agent States

Line1 Agent states are described in the following table. Some states may not be enabled on your system.

Agent State



A new voice contact card is in your Active Contact List in the left panel of the Agent Desktop awaiting your acceptance. If you do not accept the call within the time period configured by your Webex Contact Center administrator, the call returns to the queue and is assigned to the next available agent.


You have accepted the voice contact card and are connected to a caller. When the connection is made, a timer starts in the contact card indicating how long you have been connected. Information related to the call is displayed in the center panel of the Agent Desktop, and information about the caller is displayed in the right panel.


A new voice contact card is in your Active Contact List in the left panel of the Agent Desktop but was not answered within the time period configured by your Webex Contact Center administrator. The call is returned to the queue. A message appears on your desktop that presents you with the option to either to take the next call or go into an Idle state. Select one of the options.

Call On Hold

You have placed the call on Line1 on hold.


While you were in the Connected state, another person requested a consultation with you.


You are consulting with another agent in your enterprise. A timer shows the amount of time you have been consulting with the person.


You are conferencing with a customer and an agent.


You have initiated an outdial call. Information related to the call is displayed in the center panel.

Wrap Up

The call has ended. You are prompted to enter Wrap-Up codes before taking another call. For more information, see Wrap-Up Voice Communication.

While in the Wrap-Up state, you cannot receive a routed or transferred contact card.